Saturday, May 14, 2011

Perth Trip

Woooo... I totally forgot to blog about our trip to Perth before we both started out at our new jobs. We made a quick decision when I was in Beijing for a board meeting. We were discussing where to head off to before we embark on our jobs. I suggested Perth since she hasn't been to Australia before, and coincidently, her sister was heading down to Perth to visit her sister in law. We thought might as well join her for a couple of days for the farmstay...

These are some of the places that we went to:

First meal when we reach Perth City


Playground at Simmo's Ice Creamery

Busselton Jetty (2km long Jetty) 

Our lucky (186) IDLE car plate

Balancing on railway track at Busselton Jetty

Best Fish and Chips in Fremantle

What we all came to Australia to see... Kangerooos

Do you see Clarke Kent in the making..

Margaret River Chocolate factory

Simmo's Ice Cream factory

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