Friday, August 19, 2011

First item bought for our new house

A warm welcome to Sleepy the sheep to Scruffy family
Our $3,500 mattress has finally been delivered to Ling's place. Both of us need a good mattress because we tend to backaches hopefully not due to age catching up with us but rather her old and soft mattress which have minimal back support. This mattress will definitely follow us to Privé in 3 years time. Speaking of which, looking at the speed of the development, I hope we can get the keys by end 2013. That is about 2.5 years time which will give us a bit of time to save for the renovation cost and pay off some of our loan.

I was just asking her today how does it feel to be so committed to this relationship. She says it feels nice to see where the relationship is heading into and she can envision what it is going to be like in 5 years and 10 years time. I can also see where our relationship is heading towards. It will be a fun and exciting journey for us 5/10 years down the road. During my reservist, my commanding officer gave us a talk about how life short life is and we should live it to the fullest. I'm so happy to have embark on this journey with you. Looking forwards to all the happiness you will bring to me for the rest of my life and I will also do the same for you!!!

I just read the note which was meant for 18 August 2011. Thank you so much for the notes. You're such a sweetie!!! I'm looking forward you to be back in my arms next Thursday. *HUGZ*

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