Sunday, August 14, 2011

Me time

We were having a small talk last night about our wedding plans. A small wedding with limited guest or a full blown wedding. I'm actually leaning towards a smaller wedding with like maximum 200 pax. 

I like this place where I can semi fulfill my darling dream wedding which she described to me last night. I mentioned to her before that this was the place where I left my past behind and started on a new one. I'm not too sure whether the place can hold 200 pax but I guess it will be one of the location I will consider. How the wedding will take shape will be highly dependable on our guest list.  A garden wedding where we will be able to walk down the aisle with non traditional chinese food. I wonder how much it will to reserve the whole place. Regardless of which, I will try to fulfill my sweetie's dream wedding.

It is nice discussing such stuff with her. Our usual canoodle pillow talk which we discuss about everything under the sun but most of the time about us. I like our open mindedness when we discuss about things. Another topic we discuss about is actually having her dog living with us when we get our new place. I'm alright as long there is minimal dog odour and fur at our new place and that means loads and loads of cleaning. Will keep in view the plans of having her dog over with us, just got to revolve our renovation plans around the dog if he is living with us.

My drive buddy for the next few days

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