Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Emotions are the most difficult things to handle at times

It's funny how your emotions can get attach to someone so quickly. It's only been one day she is away and it already feels like forever. And the result, I did retail therapy buying 2 pair of grey pants, one light purple shirt and a grey down jacket for my upcoming trip in Japan. Sometimes, colour do play a part to how I feel on that particular day. I'm usually the kind of person who likes colourful stuff, but today I just went for the grey stuff. But saying this, I must say the grey stuff I bought are nice!!!

Someone gave me advice a couple of days ago  and I choose totally to ignore it. To summarize, better to be cautious or bear the consequences if it ever happens. I choose to believe rather than to doubt. I have enough of doubting in my work life and I do not need any of it outside my work life.  But choosing to believe can be difficult sometimes beause some external factors cannot be controlled. Regardless, I will continue to believe  because somethings in life mean so much to me.

Office is getting quieter by the day due to collegues clearing leave during the festive season and 2 of my colleagues just tendered. One of the reasons why I love company so much is because I have wonderful colleagues and I love every single one them. It's very sad to see one by one leaving the company. We will be shifting to a nearby building to save on rental costs. Thankfully it's still within walking distance from the train station.

Looking forward to January 13 because my silly princess will come back from her trip and we can spend time doing silly things together again.

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