Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Raindrops keep falling on head

I'm so happy spending my time with Ling and my new ride that I had no time to blog. I had dinner with Isaac and Narisa yesterday at Ootoya Japanese Restaurant located at Orchard Central. It was a nice little restaurant which serves home cooked japanese food. The purpose of this dinner was actually to introduce Narisa to Ling. After dinner, Isaac and I went for our Tuesday weekly football session at Khalsa Association and my lovely Ling gave Narisa a ride home.

It was a good game for me as I played quite well scoring a couple of goals but clumsy me always getting knocks during the game. We drove top them on the way back home because I was extremely stinky. But halfway through the journey, it started to drizzle and we stopped by the roadside to close our roof. And silly Ling was asking me why I went "Oh Shit" =P

I'm going to get my windows tinted today because we need some privacy in the car. *wink*

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