Friday, October 8, 2010


I had a long day yesterday. Events which took place chronological order. I attended a Pharma sales and marketing seminar this morning which is totally irrelavant to my jobscope and I decided to leave halfway to be a little helper. I helped in fixing up DIY Ikea furniture which I helped chose a couple of days back and  got rewarded with milk tea and Yami yogurt. We went to the airport to pick her brother up, had a quick dinner at Astons, and planned to watch a movie at 2350. We didn't manage to catch the movie as I was dead beat after a long day. However we went for supper at Geylang later in the night when I woke up. As I was enjoying playing with the manual gearstick to and fro home, we made little conversations. And I discovered 2 things she did and/or said which totally caught me by surprise. I always knew she was an adventurours person but she is heading up Everest Base Camp with me because I wanted to, she could have just chose an "easier" holiday but she decided to take a 16 day walk with me. Like I mentioned, we were suppose to catch a movie at 2350 but I was dead beat and unknowingly fell asleep on the foot of her bed, she covered me with her comforter and placed a pillow under my head so that I could rest more comfortably. When I woke up and we went for supper, she told me it was nice looking at me fall asleep and told me she never felt this way before and "blames" me for making her feel that way. One of the few things I don't mind being blamed for *wink*

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