Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You find love in the strangest places

It's funny how you find love in the strangest places. I remember her seated in the corner of the office with her hair tied up, wearing a pair of black pants and a pullover listening intensively to what the boss had to say or maybe she was stoning away. Strangely, my mind just went: "WAH I need to know that girl, she's cool!" And so I did try to know her in the strangest way.... "Do you need a lift back home? I happen to be out with my dog, I could give you a lift home if you wouldn't mind." And that was a good 5 years ago. Till today, I'm constantly teased by her for the silly pick up line. At the back of my head, however way she teased me, she was silly enough to take a lift home and from then I knew where she lived.

Correction. According to her, my pick up line was:"Have I met you at East Coast Park before, you seem kinda familier."

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