Sunday, October 10, 2010

Uneventful Saturday

Saturday was unexciting but I manage to do some family time. I always love doing family time even if it's just a simple lunch or dinner. This habit of our family is something which Dad has drilled into us since Day 1. And I somehow do have to agree it is a very good practice and I would definately carry on this tradition. After lunch, we went to Gain City to settle my sister's aircon. My sister has finished her pregnancy term and Baby Ethan is coming out anytime. I can't wait for him to join us in this world. I will shoot photos of him growing up. I went Sports Connection to check out backpacks. The uncle there was one of the nicest salesman. I requested him to take 3 bags for me to see and despite his age, he went up the shakey ladder to get the bags for me. And he was very soft spoken and explain to me that if I want bigger backpacks, I would have to head down to other branches because the biggest the store have is 60litres. I will be heading to the army market sometime next week to check out the bigger ones since I plan to go bag packing more often from now onwards. I went for my usual soccer after all the shopping. We finally wore our white adidas jersey we made for the new season. I wore the number 29 because for the simplest reason, I was born on August 29. We won 4-0, it has been a while since we won by such a margin. After soccer was our atypical mahjong session at one of my buddies place. I always love mahjong sessions both for the companionship of friends and the fun of the game.

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